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Physical Health and Nutrition

"Physical Health and Nutrition" 

  • Look & Feel Well: Do you look and feel well? What would those around you say on this subject about you?
  • Restorative Rest: Do you get this or no breaks during the day and no quality sleep at night?
  • Appropriate Exercise: Do you get good quality, proportionate to your age/health, regular physical exercise?
  • Strength: Do you have a good quality base strength and muscle mass for your age?
  • Good Nutrition: Do you manage to eat healthily, and if so how often? Is eating well a genuine habit now for you?
  • Good Hydration: Do you drink 4 pints of water per day on average?
  • Alcohol, Drugs & Caffeine: Do you take what would be considered acceptable and reasonable amounts of these, or if being honest, too much?